=≠ A simple little thesaurus package.
You can install the released version of wordword from Github with:
Access the unofficial API behind thesaurus.com:
wordword::tuna("intimate") %>%
print(n = 30)
#> # A tibble: 247 x 8
#> id entry target_term definition term similarity is_informal
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow sket… 50 TRUE
#> 2 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow dark… 50 TRUE
#> 3 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow outl… 50 TRUE
#> 4 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow inti… 50 TRUE
#> 5 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow mist 50 TRUE
#> 6 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow sugg… 50 TRUE
#> 7 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow port… 50 TRUE
#> 8 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow indi… 50 TRUE
#> 9 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow fore… 50 TRUE
#> 10 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow augur 50 TRUE
#> 11 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow obsc… 50 TRUE
#> 12 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow obfu… 50 TRUE
#> 13 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow bode 50 TRUE
#> 14 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow cloud 50 TRUE
#> 15 5c09… inti… adumbrate foreshadow illu… -50 TRUE
#> 16 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow sket… 50 TRUE
#> 17 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow dark… 50 TRUE
#> 18 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow outl… 50 TRUE
#> 19 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow inti… 50 TRUE
#> 20 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow mist 50 TRUE
#> 21 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow sugg… 50 TRUE
#> 22 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow port… 50 TRUE
#> 23 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow indi… 50 TRUE
#> 24 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow fore… 50 TRUE
#> 25 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow augur 50 TRUE
#> 26 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow obsc… 50 TRUE
#> 27 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow obfu… 50 TRUE
#> 28 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow bode 50 TRUE
#> 29 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow cloud 50 TRUE
#> 30 5c09… inti… adumbrates foreshadow illu… -50 TRUE
#> # … with 217 more rows, and 1 more variable: is_vulgar <lgl>